Game Theme Brandings

A LiveOps gaming industry is a very-fast pace environment. The Big Viking Games launches two new themes every week. One for each of their games, FishWorld and YoWorld. I create the visual brands for each of these themes and design the marketing materials accordingly. The style and mood of these themes can be realistic, magical, light, and dark. There are a lot of typography and branding design involve in my day to day work.

I didn’t get a lot of chance to work on typography or branding works at my previous jobs. So I’ve been enjoying these projects!

I start with a background from the art theme. I then find a font based on a moodboard or a style guide from the theme. The branding is then transferred to Adobe Animate where we build our games. Animate is a new world for me! I had to learn how to use it from scratch and it is very different than other Adobe software. There are some codings involved to animate the art assets and how it works in the game (animations for hover-over and click).

These visuals are then being used by other teams to create the promotional materials in the game and marketing visuals on the social media. I collaborate with the teams to make sure that each visual aligns with the theme brand.

When it’s all set, I also help the marketing team to create social media visuals. We send marketing materials on many different platforms like newsletters, a fan page, and social media. I have to create different templates and sizes of promotional materials for each themes. Each theme usually has about 20 different marketing visuals like a reward item, a free item, and a featured item. Which means I have to produce over 40 new visuals every week!

Creating these visuals can be very time consuming. Keeping my work files organized is important so I can use them as templates for the next theme. My habit to stay up to date to the latest tools on Adobe Software, in this case, Photoshop, comes very handy! The artboard and smart-object tools are my heroes for this!

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